Lesson Expectations and Policies

Private Lesson Expectations

My current rate for private figure skating lessons is $85/hour. Payment is made directly to me in the form of cash, check, Venmo, Zelle, or through my invoicing app. I provide lessons at Hertz Arena. Remember: Skaters must register and sign-in at the front desk and pay for the hour(s) they plan to skate prior to stepping on the ice. Very rarely do I have open times available for additional lessons.  If you would like additional lesson time, please call or text me and I will be more than happy to make arrangements for another lesson in my schedule. If you need to change your lesson time for any reason, let me know immediately and I will work with you to make accommodations.  

I ask that you give me 24-hour notice for cancelled lessons. That way I can plan changes to my lesson schedule and/or make room for other skaters. Should you cancel the day of, or fail to show up for your scheduled lesson, I will bill you for the missed time and I will require payment before I begin the next lesson. I realize that emergencies can and will arise.  In that instance, I ask that you call or text my cell phone number as soon as possible. If last-minute emergencies start to become a regular occurrence, I will require pre-payment before all lessons.   

I am also available for semi-private lessons at the same hourly rate for two skaters.  Those skaters must all be at a similar skating level and/or ability.

Practice Time Expectations

Skaters progress at their own speed but a major component of that progression is ice time.  Practice time will vary for each skater based the amount of time spent in private lessons each week and the ability of the parent/guardians to get them to the rink.  A good rule of thumb for practice ice is to multiply the private lesson time by three and that tells you how much additional time a skater should be on the ice.  For example, if a skater schedules 30 minutes of private lesson time each week, they should have another 1 ½ hours of practice time on their own.  This time would best be spread out over two days rather than spending only one day on the ice.  This facilitates greater progress and development.  Learn to skate is a great and cost-effective supplement for those skaters still in their developmental levels.   

Proper use of individual practice time is critical to the training and development of the skater. As skaters progress through the US Figure Skating tests/ISI tests and competition structures, the amount of time required for practice and lesson time will most likely increase. If the only time a skater is on the ice is for a private or semi-private lesson, progress will be static and slow, at best.  This will eventually lead to frustration and disappointment.  Likewise, over-scheduling of practice time can lead to improper technique and higher risk of injury.  It is important that we work together to formulate a plan that fits your goals.

Competition and Testing Fees

At various times during the season skaters will participate in competitions and test sessions. Both opportunities give skaters a chance to showcase their skills and progress. My fee for local competitions and testing is equal to one 30-minute lesson per event or test.  For out-of-town competitions or tests,  my fee is equal to one 30-minute lesson per event or test, plus lodging, gas, tolls, and meals which will be billed upon my return. If I have multiple students competing or testing at a location other than our home rink, the travel expenses incurred will be divided equally among the skaters. 

I will work with the parents and skaters to structure a schedule that meets time and budget constraints, with the realization that less time on the ice each week may mean more time between test and competition readiness. Also, if you wish to pursue additional coaching instruction with specialty instructors, I am more than happy to help create a team of coaches and trainers that meets the athlete’s needs and goals. I recognize that I am working with student-athletes and working athletes who often have other pursuits outside of skating and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of their skating journey. Please communicate with me directly any questions and concerns you have for you and/or your skater.

Supplemental Coaching

I have existing coaching relationships with several coaches and thus will reach out to them for supplemental lessons, especially when my schedule if full.  I work with Ivan Dimitrov (jump expect and pole harness operator), Rimma Orlova (arms and presentation, and moves in the field/skating skills), and Aimee Shafran (off-ice, stretching and on-ice support) on a regular basis. Skaters may work with them at anytime.  Be sure to let me know in advance so I can collaborate with them on the most beneficial elements to focus on.

Coaching Changes

Lastly but most importantly, should you have any plans to cease our skater/coach arrangement, please come speak to me directly before scheduling any lessons with another coach. This is a standard professional courtesy and is often a recommended policy within skating facilities. I recognize the professional nature of this relationship and as such, I appreciate your business and the opportunity to work with you/your skater. By scheduling and attending private lessons, you are agreeing to the policies and expectations outlined above.  If you have any questions about the information provided please reach out to me.